Introducing Kama Jiu-Jitsu Online
Step-by-step curriculum, Q&A, Discussions & Community, Testing, and so much more.

Learn the critical details for every position, escape and submission in Jiu-Jitsu (most you have never been shown). Without these details, your Jiu-Jitsu will suffer big time.
Stop us if any of this sounds familiar...
If it does, then you already know what a minefield it can be trying to get quality advice & support
Linear Jiu-Jitsu Curriculum
End The Confusion Once And For All
Whether you are brand new to Jiu-Jitsu, or you have been in classes for years, Kama Jiu-Jitsu Online gives you a Full Step-by-step curriculum to Jiu-Jitsu perfection.
If your goal is to truly be the best you can be at jiu-jitsu, you need to train in a linear format so you don't "miss" anything.
The average Jiu-Jitsu school or online learning platforms out there teach in a randomized setting. Showing one technique after another without any thought or regard to HOW it fits into the jiu-jitsu "puzzle".
But with a linear learning method you progress in a logical manner making you 100 times better in a fraction of the time.
Great for Competitions:
Kama Jiu-Jitsu is a Self Defense system of Jiu-Jitsu. So while you can use it in competition, you can also you 100% of everything we teach in the real world, on the streets, should a violent situation arise.
Not Just For Adults:
Our system is also not only for adults. But children as young as 5-years old can learn our system of jiu-jitsu and self defense.
The Most Complete Linear Curriculum:
Don't guess at what you need to learn next. Follow our linear format to know what you need to learn in order to wipe out the competition. When the fundamentals are done properly, they are unstoppable.
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Jiu-Jitsu Game!
Including our White, Blue, and Purple Belt Courses as well as additional sessions and resources at an a la carte price. Or choose our "All Access Pass" for the best bundle offer!
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